Quote Originally Posted by GGT View Post
I think you're abusing/misusing the term 'conservative'.

As does the entire Republican Party, with their identity crisis. They can't decide between social or fiscal conservatism, or what basic human rights means. They're the party that wants to give equal rights to embryos (in Personhood Amendments) before they've recognized the same equal rights for women. They're the party that won't kick out the KKK or white nationalists from their ranks. They're the party that wants to diminish government but control it at the same time. The GOP has become a broken party, grasping for power in its death rales. Conservatism has no ideology, or party; it just has a bunch of money sloshing around under the GOP name.
Actually the Democrats up until recently were the ones who had a member of the KKK among their ranks. The KKK is universally revived by all major national Republican figures. The rank and file hate the KKK so much that they regularly talk about Clinton's mentor being a member of the KKK. If conservatives like them so much they wouldn't be associating them with Clinton now would they?

The GOP has always had different wings. We've had the Religious Right, the Libertarian Wing, the Anti-Immigration, the Tough on Crime, the Lower Taxes, Strict Constitutionalism, Hawkish Pro Defense Spending and yes even some Corporate Welfare a-hole Iowa corn subsidy punks. Not everyone is in favor of each part of the Republican platform. The Libertarians tend to not get along with the Religious Right, the Tough on Crime folks spar with the strict constitutional folks (specifically 4th amendment). There is a lot of good healthy debate in conservative circles. That isn't a bad thing at all.