Quote Originally Posted by Ominous Gamer View Post
Biggest problem for yang in the general would the racism this country still hasn't addressed. Same morons who screamed about Obama being from Kenya are already pushing that yang is some sort of Chinese spy/plant. Regardless of his parents being from Taiwan and him being born here. It's just to easy of a projection for them to make to cloud the problems hovering over the Russian plant they do support.
Racism towards Asians has always been softer, and I think most of the racists are locked-in Trump supporters anyways. I don't think it'd be a big problem for him in the general. Yang also has a pretty solid record of converting Trump supporters over to his side, so with the right choice of running mate (an old white non-threatening Biden-esque guy to reassure the Boomers) it could turn into a rout.

I don't think Yang would have much of a problem winning the general, but getting that far is still going to be a neat trick. His biggest hurdle right now is getting people to take him seriously as a candidate. I've seen a lot of repetition around of variations on "I really like Yang, but he doesn't have a chance so I don't want to waste my vote". This implies that if he can prove to the general public that he's viable, he might have a lot more support already than polls show. It's also exactly why we need ranked choice voting. He's got the most fanatically loyal supporters of any candidate, and if he can keep that scaling while he builds his numbers, it could turn into a powerful force. He's facing an uphill battle though, since the media is snubbing him harder than Bernie now or in 2016. Even if he manages to clear that hurdle and reach more voters, he's going to have a Bernie problem since there's a lot of crossover between the two, and there's a risk that if he and Bernie are both serious candidates at the same time they'll just split the vote and hand Warren the nom.

There's still some time left for him, but I think he's only going to have a realistic shot if he can reach double-digits by Iowa & New Hampshire. The impeachment might work in his favor here, since a lot of his opponents are going to have to go back to DC for that while he can keep campaigning. He's still got a ways to go there, so we'll see what happens.