Quote Originally Posted by Lewkowski View Post
Lmao check the dates this was posted before the shooting.
My reply wasn't, and you had not started any new thread exulting in an act of self-defense like you would have if you'd seen a news report about an assailant being shot to death. Well, a black assailant. We all know the fact that this perp was a white guy connected to a MAGA politician is another reason for your silence.

Also I'd be more inclined to have posted it if it was a good guy with a gun killing the mother fucker.
If you'd actually read my post, you'd see I pointed this out. You don't give a rat's ass about self-defense. It's just an excuse you tell yourself so you don't have to feel bad about fapping to what really gets you off, black murder-porn.

This may come as a shock to you but I typically post stories that are political wins from my perspective. I'm not Fox News - I'm under no obligation to post a balanced set of news articles and play it down the middle.
Which means our behavior which you choose to label "whataboutism" is in fact a totally justified response. We're under no obligation whatsoever to feel any sort of concern about someone getting only 15 months for a crime that didn't so much as put a papercut on a single person.