Apart from item 5 pretty much everything you propose may as well work for one or more of the other candidates except in one sense, namely that, mainstream media love or no, Trump currently seems more anti-establishment than his biggest rivals. Though he's polling high in many different categories he's polling esp. high among people who are deemed less likely to vote in the primaries. Who are they and why have they been less likely to vote in primaries in the past? Perhaps the answer to that question may help you understand where Trump's support is coming from and why.

Trump's supporters are also older white blue-collar people and homemakers who're less likely to be affluent or to have attained higher levels of education. In what ways might that increase his appeal to that demographic?

Trump's supporters seem even more resistant to basic principles of science, critical thinking etc than those of the other candidates. Putting aside hot-button issues (hot-button in the US I mean, not anywhere else in the civilized world), Trump's supporters seem immune to any evidence of lying or folly on the part of their prince. Where do you think those people came from? They didn't just pop out of nowhere. They've been among you for decades, they've been nurtured by your politicians and your media, and they've been making babies like you wouldn't believe.

It's entirely possible that Trump's supporters won't bother to show up to vote but it's not likely that they'll go away. The popular support, regardless of whether or not it will be relevant, seems real.