Quote Originally Posted by Steely Glint View Post

Did you know that the Nazi's didn't start mass murder of jews and others as soon as they came into power? They had to work up to it, and they started with propaganda aimed at dehumanizing jewish people and painting them as national enemies?

Did you know that a German in the early 30s could have made similar excuses (make no mistake; that's exactly what they are and every single person on this forum can see it) about Nazi policy to the ones you're making now; "of course, we aren't going to start exterminating Jews, don't be silly. In fact, these laws don't even mention Jews. We're just ensuring important civil service positions can't be held by *all* non-Aryans (not just Jews!) who don't have the best interests of Germany in mind. I'm actually very insulted you'd suggest that."

They'd probably think they were being very clever, 'owning the libs' or whatever. But they're not.

Of course, if our early 30s German actually believed the above and wasn't just making the argument in bad faith, they'd have something of an excuse of their own: fascism had never actually happened before so they really did have no way of knowing how it was going to turn out. We - you - on the other hand, have no excuse whatsoever.
Is your argument that any form of potential racial discrimination allows for an automatic comparison to Nazi Germany? And that's appropriate? (Being opposed to illegal immigration isn't actually a racial issue but its framed that way by you and your ilk so we'll go with it for now).