Quote Originally Posted by earthJoker View Post
This isn't a game or a sport. It's about to determine the representatives as close to the will of the people as possible.
First part, yes, second part, well, will of the people is a somewhat subjective term. And another big factor is that the country is actually governable, otherwise we wouldn't have vote thresholds either.

Frankly, in certain situations I can definitely see the advantage of district voting (which will always lead to a non-perfect representation of the population, since the winner might not be equally popular in every district). Especially in larger countries with bigger differences between the parts, it has clear advantages, and the fact that you have a personal representative who is responsible for your local needs, that has obvious advantages (though some disadvantages too). It's just that Rand's point that giving 3 seats to the party with 1/3 of the vote and 0 to the rest is somehow more representative and fair is ridiculous.