Quote Originally Posted by Dreadnaught View Post
Tagging someone who doesn't have a Facebook account is no different than posting anything else on the Web with someone's name next to it. If the New York Times posts a photo with someone's name in the caption it's a problem, but if the Iowa Dispatch does the same thing it's not?
Well this is an easy question to answer. Who would you rather have be able to see pictures of you drunk? An audience of millions or an audience of hundreds? The number isn't so much a problem, but instead it is representative of the possibility/probability that someone you know/may not know, who can affect your life, is going to be part of that audience.

Free speech is about having the most universal standard possible. You don't ban a pretty well-established feature just because a company of a particular size is taking advantage of it.
You don't ban it. What would be nice was if you could opt out without being part of the service, and not be auto-opted in if you are a part of it. How would you feel if I wrote a server side script so that every time you posted, your current IP address was publicly appended to your post, along with your current GPS location (if available), claimed that you opted in with whatever you agreed to whenever you originally signed up for the forum, and that this feature was to make the forums more social and streamlined? I don't think you'd like that very much.