"One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."
The Rules
Copper- behave toward others to elicit treatment you would like (the manipulative rule)
Gold- treat others how you would like them to treat you (the self regard rule)
Platinum - treat others the way they would like to be treated (the PC rule)
FT investigation into the annihilation of Jabalia:
So relentless has been Israel’s assault, and so complete the destruction — not just in Jabalia but also in nearby Beit Lahia and Beit Hanoun — that a former Israeli defence minister late last year described the military’s actions in northern Gaza as “ethnic cleansing”.
“There’s no Beit Hanoun. There’s no Beit Lahia. They [the Israeli military] are currently operating in Jabalia, and essentially, they’re cleaning the area of Arabs,” Moshe Yalon told local TV. Condemned for his comments, he doubled down, telling a second interviewer that “it’s ethnic cleansing — there’s no other word for it”.
"One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."
Prophetic words.
Blinken: "Indeed, we assess that Hamas has recruited almost as many new militants as it has lost. That is a recipe for an enduring insurgency and perpetual war."
Watch clip from 22 seconds.
Not withstanding the fact that Hamas is an ideology that will persist as long as the Zionist state continues to oppress the Palestinians. If Hamas ever does disband or is destroyed whilst the oppression continues, it will be likely replaced by something far more extreme. It seems that Palestinians don’t agree with Weizmann when he described them as "the rocks of Judea, obstacles that had to be cleared on a difficult path”.
Oh come onwith the "genocide" rhetoric.
No, I just have an ability to read the shit you post, sadly.
Just direct swap the word Palestinian/Mulsim for Jew and you might come to realize you are much closer to being a Nazi that you would care to admit.
Are you planning a trip to the Sde Tieman rape camp this year? You might get to literally fuck a few Palestinian doctors to death. Of course, this is only possible in the likely event that Trump continues to finance the genocide state.
Oh come onwith the "genocide" rhetoric.
Cheer up, weirdo. This ?ceasefire? is a commercial break whilst Trump gets inaugurated. We?ve all seen this movie before. Just like what happened during the inauguration of Obama in January 2009, the Zionist regime called a unilateral ceasefire which they violated after a matter weeks when they got back to murdering Palestinians, albeit on a much smaller scale. You can still book your rape camp holiday.
Oh come onwith the "genocide" rhetoric.
Actually the Israeli government was arm twisted into the deal. But facts have never been your thing obviously.
I understand from your answer that you're going to continue with your delusional prattle for the time being. As for genocide, just because you use the word every time your brain farts, doesn't mean there's one going on. At least not in Gaza.
Congratulations America
Do you think it was obvious to Israel’s greatest ally? If so, why would it let it pursue what it did?
Perhaps we should take stock of what has (or has not) been achieved.
Netenyahu shattered his 'Mr. Security’ image.
Netenyahu now has an arrest warrant from the ICC for war crimes.
Failed to ethnically cleanse Gazza or annex any of Gaza.
Failed to defeat Hamas. Decapitating its and Hezbollahs leadership did nothing to weaken these organisation on the ground. Resistance was fierce in Lebanon.
Edit: Hamas is bigger and stronger than it was before the genocide.
Failed to break the will of the Palestinian people and the resistance.
Palestinians have now been further radicalized and believe they can defeat Israel.
Largely failed to release hostages by military means.
Conducted what most of the world believes is a genocide.
Flattened Gaza (domicide) and its health care system. Starved Palestinians including children.
It is not clear that the settlers from the north are happy to return home.
Most of the world was indifferent to the Palestinian cause, due to perceiving ‘both sides’ as too passionate. Between all the horrific pictures and lies told by Israel (40 beheaded babies, babies on cloth lines, rape, hamas bases under hospitals ect) I believe the world has been polarized against Israel. No one can unsee the shit that Israel did.
Unmasked everyone, and exposed the Zionist control of the US and European political apparatus.
Israel has been diplomatically isolated by much of the world.
Lots of people who see Judaism and Israel as one and the same thing, just like the way Israel promotes it, associate Israels crime with Jews. Congratulations on creating a bunch of anti-semitism.
Younger diaspora Jews are more against Israel than ever.
Young people in the USA are increasingly against Israel.
Indirectly helped topple the Assad regime as Hizbollah were busy in Lebanon and unable to help.
The siege has created a resilient domestic arms industry in Gaza. The weapons that the Gazans use contained explosives from Zionist ordinance that have failed to explode, estimated at a rate between 5-10%. The amount of bombs dropped by the Zionist regime, Hamas has enough explosives now for TWO generations.
Created tension in Egypt against Sisi, who now fears being overthrown.
Fucked up international travel for the Zionist genocidal army.
Destroyed the carefully crafted Hasbara of the Zionist regime.
The collapse of Israel is now within the realms of possibility, as one can see how daddy USA could eventually be forced by public pressure to defund the Zionist settler colony. Might take some time as the senate is infested with dual national Israelis, who obviously have a higher loyalty to Israel.
Destroyed Israel’s image as invincible.
Killed lots of Zionist genocidal troops.
Maybe one day they will make a movie of how sad it made them to drive over Palestinians with bulldozers (Rachel Corrie style!), pump kids full of bullets from machine guns and snipe them in the head.
Probably missed loads.
Can someone please rate how ZioNutty the above is. Admin?
What kind of support were you thinking?
What is it with Turks and genocide denial?
Last edited by BluntHorse; 01-17-2025 at 11:24 PM. Reason: Updated list
Oh come onwith the "genocide" rhetoric.
I'm pretty sure US officials have been telling the Israelis this from the beginning. But the political cost of not supporting Israel is simply too great and Netanyahu knows it.
To me it seems there's a tiny bit of a shift there though. From what I read and hear the new (Trump) team also knows what amount of Netanyahu shit they are willing to put up with. And that seems to be significantly less than the shit the Biden administration was willing to eat. The simple fact that Netanyahu was summoned for talks on sabbath and subsequently dropped his attempt at stalling was refreshing.
Anyway, let's see how this works out.
Congratulations America
Israel's finance minister:
https://www.ft.com/content/234ecbe6-...2-dff9305552a4He reiterated that threat on Saturday, but said that Netanyahu had committed to make changes to the management of the war and aim for a “gradual takeover of the entire Gaza Strip”.
“Look at Gaza, it’s destroyed, uninhabitable, and it will stay this way,” he said in a statement on Telegram. “Do not be impressed by the forced joy of our enemy . . . Very soon, we will erase their smile again and replace it with cries of grief and the sobs of those who were left with nothing.”
Hope is the denial of reality
The idea and realization of the entity was barbaric from inception.
You cannot be surprised of how Israel is today, if you are aware of how it came about. Regardless of how sympathetic you are to the plight of European Jews.
The Arabs were categorically not responsible for the suffering the European Jewish population endured over the centuries which ultimately culminated in the holocaust.
A homeland for Jewish people should have been carved out of Germany and not in Palestine, which was certainly not a ‘land without a people'.
Oh come onwith the "genocide" rhetoric.
Haha, and what about the other half who never left the middle east but were driven from their homes? By their neighbours who tolerated them as long, as they kept their mouths shut and their heads down? *
Golda Meir was one of the earlier Palestinians.
* an actual genocide as defined by the UN.
Congratulations America
Wow, you got me there!
I wonder what geopolitical event would cause the Arab world, who had saved Jewry and hosted them for a thousand plus years to suddenly become hostile to their native Jewish population?
And what was that thing with Israel doing terrorism against Mizrahi Jews to get them to move to the newly establish Israel got to do with it again?
Can you help me out with a timeline? Maybe some context?
You’re basically a Nazi, btw. Doesn’t matter how hard you pretend otherwise.
Oh come onwith the "genocide" rhetoric.
Please enlighten me. Why did these people suddenly feel the need to ethically cleanse their neighbourhoods. Was is because they started to worry that their Jews might get ideas about alternatives to their second class subject status? Or was it because they couldn't stomach to be asked - even symbolically - to consider Jews as equals.
Being called a nazi by the likes of you doesn't mean anything to me. You would not recognize it if you were licking the boots of Hitler's admirers amongst your terrorist friends.
Congratulations America
Neither does the Genocide of the Palestinians. Oh well.
You can go learn about the events you refer to history yourself. Read some books from people like Israeli historian Avi Shlaim who incidentally is connected to the situation you refer to. Just open his page on wikipedia and you might learn something.
Shlaim was born to wealthy Jewish parents in Baghdad in the Kingdom of Iraq.[4]
In the 1930s, the situation of the Jews in Iraq deteriorated, with the rise of nationalisms in Arab countries, and the concomitant growth of Jewish nationalism in the form of Zionism. Persecution of Jews was exacerbated after the defeat of the Arab armies in 1948, and Israel's independence. In 1951, during Operation Ezra and Nehemiah, Shlaim's family, along with most of Iraq's Jews, registered to emigrate to Israel and forfeit their Iraqi citizenship. The family lost all of their property and emigrated to Israel.[4]Plenty of other sources to read from.In Three Worlds: Memoirs of an Arab-Jew, Shlaim unveils "undeniable proof of Zionist involvement in the terrorist attacks" which prompted a mass exodus of Jews from Iraq between 1950 and 1951. The historian believed that most of the bombings against Jews in Iraq were the work of Mossad. He believed Mossad took these actions to quicken the transfer of 110,000 Jews in Iraq to the then-newly created state of Israel.[15] [16]
You're pulling random shit of after the fact of the establishment of the Zionist entity does not justify what was done to the inhabitants of the land of Palestine in 1948, before, or after. Bless your cotton socks.
You've yet to actually make a good point.
You're someone who has chosen not to have kids and now actively hates them - particularly Palestinian ones.
Last edited by BluntHorse; 01-20-2025 at 04:14 AM.
Oh come onwith the "genocide" rhetoric.
If you had any comprehension skills you would be able to decode from the passage above that ZioNazis secret service bombed Jews to put them in to a state of fear and encourage them to move to Israel. The point is that it is not as simple as all Arab Jews were expelled. Some were but others were terrorised by others were terrorised so that Israel could expand their demographics to better occupy the land. This is besides the fact that Arab Jews, when they arrived to the Promised Land TM, were treated like shit by the white superior Jews.
It?s okay tho, we know comprehension isn?t your strong point. Neither is chronology.
Some Arab countries expelled their Jewish population after Israel basically did a bunch of evil shit to Palestinians but sure, you let this later unjustifiable crime committed by bunch of different people be the retrospective justification for Palestinians being ethnically cleansed and murdered at the hands of European settler Jews. And you carry on failing to understand if Israel was not built on the land on Palestine those Arab Jews would still be living in Arab countries.
Why do you keep exposing yourself as an ignorant 2-bit genocide loving jewish supremacist retard. Is it one of your fetishes?
It?s 2025. You need to update your Jewish supremacist hasbara talking points.
Last edited by BluntHorse; 01-20-2025 at 05:30 PM.
Oh come onwith the "genocide" rhetoric.