Quote Originally Posted by wiggin View Post
The piece people sent around is the link below by David Horovitz, the founding editor of Times of Israel and former editor in chief of JPost. Hardly a demagogue. It's true that there were others - notably Mark Levin - who were more hyperbolic in their critiques - but they didn't get anywhere near as much attention. There's no question that Horovitz supports Israel's position here, but I hardly think he was shrilly shouting down Stewart or resorting to name-calling; he just correctly points out that in trying for a laugh, he left all context out of a story that may be his viewer's only exposure to this subject.

Very pro Israel, and I don't agree with everything he says, but the reply (if you ask me) does show how discussing Israel works - being, as that article points out, a satirical show rather than a news show (which it doesn't claim to be), they have sloppy reporting for the laughs all the time. But only when it's about Israel people get upset, even if more important subjects to most viewers (I.e. Domestic issues) come up and nobody cares.