Besides the obvious math fail over how billions are fractions of trillions, I find it amusing that MPACUK getting less attention leads them to let their guard down and start publishing stuff like this again.

Israeli Funding From The USA

3:49 am, Sun 17 Jul 2011

Israel’s presence in the United States is far from simple, but remains a necessary aspect of the US’s continual economic and governmental stronghold. However, disengaging from Israel’s clutches will become an insurmountable task for the US, as its economy continues to plummet in the face of massive debt.

As of January 2011, US debt is currently $14 trillion dollars and according to The Washington Times:
“[Obama's government] will run a deficit of $1.645 trillion this year, topping 2009’s previous record by more than $230 billion.”
In previous years, despite the insistence of American taxpayers, the government continually exceeded records upon records and this sight of a new record remains insignificant. As Congress increases the debt ceiling, an incredible pressure will overcome the US as its status of being the reserve currency falls to complete halt–jeopardizing the entire American infrastructure.
What does this have to do with Israel?

It’s quite clear, with the federal and governmental loans being provided to Israel at an alarming rate, it is no doubt that this money can be used to further increase America’s standard of living. While the American standard of living is nothing short of 3rd world nations, it’s quite clear that the responsiveness and a functioning democracy must be revised in order to reshape America all together. Of course, this is purely a fantastical outlook because, these betterments will not come unless the US stops its aid to Israel.

While I’ve said that the US should stop Israeli aid, this is simply not possible because both Israel and the US would head towards complete bankruptcy.

Despite mounting debt and the threat to the US’s currency reserve status, will the US continue to provide Israel a significant portion of its funding?

The only way for the US to break out of this with conscious and life-sustaining determination is to cease Israeli funding.

The extent of Israeli funding is incredible, that the average American will be appalled to know that the primary reason for the poor quality of life is simply due to American (specifically taxpayer dollars) being funnelled callously into the hands of a vicious tyrant. According to the Congressional Research Service (2010), “Since 1985, the United States has provided nearly $3 billion in grants to Israel”. More alarmingly is what the CRS reported here:

“In August 2007, the Bush Administration announced that it would increase U.S. military assistance to Israel by $6 billion over the next decade. The agreement calls for incremental annual increases in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) to Israel, reaching $3 billion a year by FY2011.”
The reason why the Americans continually increase Israeli funding is primarily to Israel’s powerful elite of “soldiers” deeply inside all significant areas of American economy, financing, and government in the form of what Petras (2009) called a “collective”.
The power of the Zionist Lobby (“Lobby”) in the United States comprises of a massive and powerful network system connecting every Zionist person to the next, with the single purpose of pure Israel support, even if it means supporting politicians in the United States to achieve their goal. According to Petras (2009), 65% of funding for the Democratic Party of the US comes from the Lobby, 30% for the Republicans (the Republicans don’t need as much persuasion). When Obama wishes to come out of Israel’s influence, he’s talking about saving American’s international image, because actually doing that is impossible.

Kofi Annan, the former United Nations Secretary General, once said:

”The whole world is demanding that Israel withdraw [from occupied Palestinian territories]. I don’t think the whole world … can be wrong”
ce: Quoted in Forward (New York City), April 19, 2002, p. 11. 2.).

Consider this, Jews barely consist of 2% (not all of those are Zionists) of the American population but are 40% of American billionaires, 25% are elite Journalists and publishers, 17% are the leaders of public interest organizations, and over 15% are top US civil servants (source) What is this supposed to mean to you? Simply put, quoted from Desmond Tutu, a Nobel Prize winner in 1984:

“The Israeli government is placed on a pedestal [in the US], and to criticize it is to be immediately dubbed anti-Semitic. People are scared in this country, to say wrong is wrong because the Jewish lobby is powerful — very powerful”
(Source: D. Tutu, “Apartheid in the Holy Land,” The Guardian (Britain), April 29, 2002. 3)

Breaking away from the clutches of Israel is, as I said above, an insurmountable and nearing impossible task. With Zionist funding coordinated primarily by these influential ethnic groups and their equally right-wing zionist fanatics, it’s quite clear that America is headed into a place of no return, a debt ceiling which will continue to strangle the American population, as all the countries money gets funnelled away from hard-earning taxpayers into the greedy hands of a violent, terrorist Israel state.

All in all, Americans are screwed and for them, it’s totally alright.

Sufi M and his staff operate The Glaring Facts, one of the leading and densely populated websites involving psychology, media-related material, history of science, and money management. We are certain you will find something that will fascinate you.