Afghan Leader Admits His Office Gets Cash From Iran

Karzai Rails Against America in Diatribe

Maybe we made a mistake. We thought the Northern Alliance was onboard with eliminating Taliban influence in their country's government and so we launched our offensive and drove the Taliban out of the capital. Along the way we gained wide support from other Western nations and together we put in place a government that was meant to replace the Taliban and reform the governance of a country gone rogue. All this was meant to squash Al Qaeda and its Taliban supporters. Nine years later it appears that even though the Taliban government has been replaced with something a tad more moderate, we have achieved almost no headway toward the objectives of Operation Enduring Freedom and in fact have, due to our involvement, lost ground in other important international relations. Money now flows freely from our enemy to the government we put in place. We've used up the incentive of a power swap so what else do we have at our disposal to persuade the Afghan government to rid itself of the influence of our supposed mutual enemies? With all the negative reports about our relationship with the Afghan government topped with the disheartening reports of it's collaboration with the enemy, I find it difficult to believe we have any productive moves available to us.