There's been some ranting about the taxes and spending and so on specifically with the recent "deal" to spend like crazy for unemployment benefits and tax cuts up and down the income spectrum (I unloaded yesterday and I feel much better today for it, thank-you-very-much). There's also the money-printing the Fed's doing. And then there's the austerity approach the Euros are doing, about as opposite as you can get from the US, I suppose.

Well, there's a few in this community who posture themsleves as knowledgable and/or level-headed on these things (you know who you are), and I've noticed they've stayed away, largely, from the ranting.... so:

Regarding the US deficit, and the tax cuts up and down the spectrum, and economic stimulus, and the spending vs. austerity approaches to dealing with the global economic situation, and so on, would the level heads mind giving an assessment and an opinion on what ought to be done and why?

Ranters: please hold back until we get some thoughtful responses.