Quote Originally Posted by Lewkowski View Post
It goes back to what people think the role of government should be. I do no think government should be the one to guide society on the "right" path.
There is no other entity that can and will guide society. And doing it via government isn't so bad when its somewhat representative of the public, like ours. In a sense we the poeple are guiding the nation through the government. And what worse way to make certain decisions is there than the market? Think cigarettes. Think fast food. Think television programming. Think viagra. Think disco!!!Its not absurd, its ludicrous to say the market's the best way to shape national policy and goals.
Choosing economic winners and losers by distorting the market and encouraging/discouraging behavior goes against what I believe the government should be doing.
Its not just about economics, though. And its not just about fair competition within our national borders.
In addition the handout isn't even focused on people who might need help, almost everyone who makes use of that credit will be above average income... and liberal.
Its not just about people that need help, either. Its about laying the ground work for the next big global industries and trying to make sure the US economy gets a share of the opportunity despite our dogged refusal to accept what is coming. Otherwise its too late and twenty years down the road we're importing all our cars and exporting all the profits. And don't think every other nation in the world isn't priming the pump in their own economies to get a leg up in the new energy and transportation industries that the world is most certainly going to embrace in the coming years.