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Thread: Game of Thrones trailer

  1. #1

    Default Game of Thrones trailer

    Something to redeem TV fantasy after Legend of the Seeker?
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  2. #2
    I can't tell what it's actually about. But isn't that the guy from Lord of the Rings dressed just like he was in Lord of the Rings?

  3. #3
    1) This is going to get very fucked up. The story is way too complex and elegant to transfer well to a serial. Mark my words: it will get very simplified, and become yet another dull Hollywoodish fantasy.

    2) Gah, why the hell cast Sean Bean in this? You should never cross-fertilize stories like that. It's one reason that the LotR worked so well as a movie--only a few of the faces were recognizable, and those not very mainstream. No strong associations. This should be casting 101. So, terrible casting call. {Besides, Sean Bean is no Stark. Period.}

    I do hope to be proved wrong, but I'm not optimistic. My main hope is that HBO has a history of doing very impressive series, so they could possibly pull this off. But I'm still trying to imagine a series like this being shoved into the weekly episode format. Dubious.

  4. #4
    it'll be perfectly all right and very hot, great to see lena headey in it too have nfi why they picked the crazy to play Clegane, even Bean woulda been better in that role (or as Bronn ) but I shall withhold judgement for the time being
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  5. #5
    Unlike Lord of the Rings (Finished) and Harry Potter (on track to be finished), GRRM is nowhere near finishing this series is he? Even if this works on screen, surely they're going to catch up with the plot of the books and what then?

    I suppose they could divert from the books at some point which is what happened with Dexter.

  6. #6
    Yeah, fucking Martin doesn't even finish the series.

    Can't tell crap from the trailer, but I fear they're going to make it the usual portentious Hollywood take on fantasy, which is the opposite of the Martin's books were successful. Th gritty realism, character development and striving were why the books were successful, not the tired old Fantasy tropes. It's OK for those in Tolkien, who created the template, but it's going to suck in Martin. It's going to make the story pedestrian and rob it of what is most interesting about it. Only a director with a delicate hand will manage this well. I doubt it will suck as bad as the Seeker series, which was gawdawful, but I fear that we're looking at generic fantasy. But I'm betting it will make its money, and will therefore be dubbed a success.

    Edit: I've always found the Targaryen thread of the story to be very weak. In fact, I'd often get kind of exasperated when reading those chapters. There's not a compelling narrative there, and WAY to much deus ex machina going on.

  7. #7
    Hopefully this will push him to finish!, It'd be awesome if he syncs Dance releasal with the HBO series to generate buzz for his T.V. show. All I have to say the seeker books sucked, and the t.v. series was ungodly worse, so the bar is low! I'm not a big movie watcher so i don't recognize people anyway , I really didn't like the look of Jon Snow's casting, but we'll see how he looks on screen.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Aimless View Post
    it'll be perfectly all right and very hot, great to see lena headey in it too
    Mmm, she's not that great an actress. Hot, though.

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