The way I know the people who came here from the CC are mature people who more or less know how to display civil behaviour. I fancy that this is also the sort of community we want to rebuild here in this new forum.

I understand the need for rules, and I am not trying to say that there should be no rules. But I would like to make a case against a cursefilter. The standard we should try to uphold here is not a standard that is under severe threath from the ability to freely use 'naughty' words. The people inhere should be mature enough to understand that efficient communication contains (under normal circumstances) only a limited amount of curses. If they behave in such a way that their use of curses becomes a problem, then the appropriate reaction is not for them to be treated like little children whose words are turned into (hardly less offensive) ****s by a piece of software.

The appropriate way is for either mods or regular users to confront them with the un-acceptable nature of their behaviour. In short to approach them as responsable people who are able to control their urges when this is appropriate.

I am certain that in such an environment this forum won't turn into an online version of a Giles de la Tourette gathering.

Is there a way to fix the poll