Yes munch, it's a very personal and private decision. Hopefully between a girl/woman and her doctor, with help from supportive family or friends. You're lucky your folks were there for you....

My ex and his girl friend got pregnant at age 15, and needed his folks to drive them to the clinic. Kind of an astounding thought, that one could be pregnant but not old enough to drive. He never talked about it with me. Ever.

Another high school girlfriend of mine had an abortion at age 17, right before graduation and all of us heading off to college. She can recall details like it was yesterday. We were all friends and knew all the stories, who had to tell their parents and who didn't, who had abortions and who became parents right out of HS. Our reunions were difficult and complicated.

My nursing school roommate had an abortion in our second year. I knew her boyfriend (actually introduced them). Very strange day when the three of us went for the abortion. She wanted me there as her friend, and him there as part of the pregnancy. When it was over he was relieved to leave her with me and drive away. Her pain meds were starting to wear off, but she was so hungry. I drove her to Wendy's for a frosty and chili. We sat across one another and shared the most incredibly intimate moments, exchanges between teary eyes. One of the rare times words weren't needed.

Then I drove her back to our dorm, helped her to the toilet, put cold cloths on her head while she passed blood and tissue, cried and moaned, making me cry too.... changed the Kotex pad in her panties, gave her some pain pills and water, tucked her into bed, stroked her hair until she cried herself to sleep.