Quote Originally Posted by CitizenCain View Post
Now, is this opinion of yours based on the fact that we're talking about an evil j00 here? Would you say the same thing if it was some uneducated retard ("k0mm0n man")? Or would you blame the Republikan party for costing the k0mm0n man his job, instead of assigning blame on the individual in question?

[That's all rhetorical, BTW. We all know you're just bashing some foolish j00, but would defend an uneducated, unj00ish retard in the same situation.]

Anyway, planning on having the same bonus you get every year is like planning on having your job every year. You have to include it in your planning, period. This particular guy obviously shouldn't have tried to live so far beyond his means, but planning based on his actual annual income is exactly what you should do - you're just supposed to put something away into saving so if your income drops, or you lose your job, you don't have suddenly worry about selling the cars, the home and pulling the kids out of school.
Stop trolling. Or expand your "debate" to include wiggin, Hazir and Veldan, who also say bonuses shouldn't be considered the same as base salary.

Those who get holiday or year-end bonuses know they're not guaranteed amounts and fluctuate depending on other factors. People who work in finance also negotiate their salary and perks, know the difference between wages and stock options, and how to tax their income at the 15% capital gains rate--by claiming their title "advisor or consultant" as a value-added service, and exploiting carried interest trades. That's not a condemnation of bankers and Wall Street, but an example of our fubar tax code.