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Thread: the new theme blows -- pic

  1. #1

    Default the new theme blows -- pic

    * The pics still don't resize to my browser screen. (that is, the actual space I have in the right text section of the threads)
    * I don't see any quick buttons for bbcode on top.
    * For quotes, the dark background displays one character per line.

    Basically all the margins are just completely F****d.
    Last edited by agamemnus; 01-23-2010 at 06:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Which browser are you using?

  3. #3
    Both IE and Firefox give me the same result. There's way too much whitespace in many other places too. Not all the quotes/text are like this for some reason, but most are. I'm using 800x600, so the skin devs didn't bother to check it with that setting probably... lazy.

    Edit: currently, this very post (and the quick edit for it) has extra small text line width.
    Edit 2: Now it doesn't. WTF?

  4. #4
    Oh, I see. It's just the whitespace, not a problem with the quotes. Yeah, I'll work on reducing whitespace.

  5. #5
    This should be better now, though there's still a couple of places for improvement on the vertical whitespace.

  6. #6
    Better now, but still could use improvement.

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