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Thread: Incredibly important IT breakthrough

  1. #1

    Default Incredibly important IT breakthrough

    Using algebra to unclog pipes:

    "Academic researchers have improved wireless bandwidth by an order of magnitude—not by adding base stations, tapping more spectrum, or cranking up transmitter wattage, but by using algebra to eliminate the network-clogging task of resending dropped packets of data."
    I can only imagine what even an imperfect implementation may look like in terms of dollars and MB/s and contented commuters. This will be a god-send for mobile porn.
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  2. #2
    and here I was getting ready to find a 802.11ac router this season. Wonder which companies are on board with this, wouldn't mind giving it a go.
    "In a field where an overlooked bug could cost millions, you want people who will speak their minds, even if they’re sometimes obnoxious about it."

  3. #3
    This is really cool -- remember those articles a few months ago arguing that algbra is stupid? Harumph.

    I like the test they did on the train. It's certainly been a pain point for me on the commute. Though I prefer being able to use the unreachable excuse by the office when I take the train or fly. I fear those days might be limited.

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