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Thread: Wildstar

  1. #1

    Default Wildstar

    Release date 3rd June. Am downloading 3 day headstart now.

    US$59.99 (£34.99) and a monthly US$14.99 (£8.99) subscription.

    First MMO in a long-time I've been waiting for. Game looks awesomely fun.

    A lot of hype around this game, a lot of 'this is the next WoW' etc ... I'll save it for when I've got a few hours under my belt.

    Ramp up to HD & watch fullscreen.

    IGN has quite a bit of background.

    Anyone else gonna join the mayhem?

    Last edited by Timbuk2; 06-02-2014 at 08:44 AM.

  2. #2
    Let sleeping tigers lie Khendraja'aro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    In the forests of the night
    I think I'll take a look at it. The requirements for raids are a bit of a turn-off but then they've said that there's plenty to do otherwise.
    When the stars threw down their spears
    And watered heaven with their tears:
    Did he smile his work to see?
    Did he who made the lamb make thee?

  3. #3


    I am now dozens of hours in.

    Played four classes so far up to level 9 or 10, before deciding Stalker was the way to go - a rogue-esque character with stealth.

    The game is ... great fun.

    I discovered that Carbine studios, the Californian makers of the game, were formed from the core team who developed World of Warcraft, and it shows.

    The game is very polished, very stylish, and great fun. No lag, no server issues, and no bugs thus far encountered (in development addons excluded).

    I had thought the combat was a little lacklustre, but as I level and get more and better abilities and weapons, the combat is getting increasingly involving and satisfying.

    In game folk are telling me that the game really comes into its own from level 20 onwards, but I feel it's already there at my meagre level 14.

    Early Impressions
    The graphics and the gameworld are cartoonish and stylish, and works wonderfully I feel.
    The quests are great; varied and fun.
    Progress is slow and steady, as it should be. Difficulty mounts at the right pace. It's challenging but not frustrating.
    The crafting seems very good, and creates better stuff than you find in drops, which makes a nice change for an MMO.
    Have not done dungeons yet, but have this morning taken down a 20-man world-boss, and the raid system seems excellent.
    PvP have not tried yet, but am on a PvP server so it shouldn't be long. There are BGs.
    Pathing system (Choice of Explorer, Settler, Scientist or Soldier) makes a nice addition and distraction from the questing.
    Houses are purchasable, which I haven't yet gotten to.
    Much, much more yet for me to discover.

    The world is á la WoW, with two rival factions; The Dominion (bad guys) and The Exiled (good guys). I always thought this was one of the best aspects of WoW, so I'm pleased Wildstar has gone down that road.

    So far, so excellent.
    Definitely recommended at this point.



    First reviews are starting to appear.
    Trusted reviews is the first major one.

    Other review companies are releasing First Impressions, such as Gamespot, who are rather glowing:
    WildStar makes a striking first impression. It's an absolutely gorgeous game, saturated with bright, inviting colors, and loaded with ornate details that bring this massively multiplayer role-playing game to life. 20 hours in, and the most striking sight must still be the herds of gazelle-like grazers that elegantly leap across the screen. With such a rich-looking world, I'm drawn to explore it because I might find something unexpected. The mix of fantasy, science fiction, Saturday morning cartoon, and comic book makes WildStar stand out. You might be tempted to compare WildStar's aesthetic to World of Warcraft's, given the exaggerated shapes and hand-drawn textures, but on a whole, WildStar's art design is very much its own, in spite of its obvious inspirations.

    IGN has an In Progress review out too.
    Last edited by Timbuk2; 06-07-2014 at 12:32 PM.

  4. #4
    I'm playing, and really enjoy it so far.

    The combat telegraph system is really nice, especially later on when it gets more complicated.
    I like how the world is actually dangerous, like WoW used to be.
    Crafting is actually useful, which is refreshing.

    And Housing is awesome, I pissed away so much time and money just doing that, hehe.
    Playing Chua medic right now, thinking about going stalker, but don't want to give up being a Chua.

  5. #5
    It's good eh? Playing many many hours at the moment.

    What levels are you getting to? End-game yet?

    Have taken a Cassian Stalker up to 38, a Cassian Engineer up to 32, and am currently playing around with a Cassian Medic. Not too adventurous with races - I just like the human-basic. Chua emotes are funny though.

    Yeh houses are very strange .... not done too much myself but some of my guildies have masses of stuff going on - overgrowing gardens and trees and flashing neon signs and adventure portals and grape-crushing challenges and cupig stomping and and and ... it's craziness.

    Not done any of the PvP specific stuff yet - BGs and Warplots and stuff - but am on a PvP server so have had a few brief skirmishes in combined areas - which seems to be most areas from Whitevale onwards tbh.

    Yes combat and the telegraph system is more satisfying now that I've gotten a handle on the upgrade and Tier system, the Amp system, and working out a proper rotation. It's great when you get it right.

  6. #6
    Not too high yet, 24 or 25...just recently hit Whitevale.
    Kinda pathetic really, considering been playing since early access.
    I spend a lot of time working on my house and crafting so am behind the leveling curve, but that's to enjoy the ride on my first character.

    Done a little PvP, is rather standard fare, enjoyable enough.
    It can seem a little hectic with all the telegraphs going off.
    Looking forward to trying Warplots, they seem awesome...guess I'll have to change Guild to do that though, current one is rather dead-ish.

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