The crazies in the House couldn't do one thing right and give me a brief vacation.![]()
The crazies in the House couldn't do one thing right and give me a brief vacation.![]()
Hope is the denial of reality
I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.![]()
Hope is the denial of reality
Terrible, absolutely terrible news
"One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."
I was kinda annoyed because we busted our butts to get a regulatory submission into the government machinery before the assumed shutdown (since once the clock starts, they're bound by it, whether they're paid or not), but now all of our efforts to turn the submission around in record time look pretty silly.
"When I meet God, I am going to ask him two questions: Why relativity? And why turbulence? I really believe he will have an answer for the first." - Werner Heisenberg (maybe)
Just wait until you see how many people expected a vacation this week and therefore take leave.
I'm also curious what happens to all the contractors who didn't expect to get paid for the next few weeks.
Hope is the denial of reality
Been dealing with my parents end of life. Fucking terrible. Big Eye Opener. There is NO REWARD for longevity. Fuck long life, fuck the death industry, fuck the human condition. Humanity top to bottom start to finish is a fucking disaster. Utterly pointless, all of it.
The Rules
Copper- behave toward others to elicit treatment you would like (the manipulative rule)
Gold- treat others how you would like them to treat you (the self regard rule)
Platinum - treat others the way they would like to be treated (the PC rule)
The ER admitted my mother at 2am this morning, saying she needed emergency surgery. It is now 6pm, and they just took her off the "npo" order and gave her a (liquid) dinner which is an admission that the surgery isn't gonna happen for at least another 12 hours
Last night as I lay in bed, looking up at the stars, I thought, “Where the hell is my ceiling?"
Shitty way to end a year. I hope she's gotten the surgery by now.
Nope. Limited OR availability because of the holiday and the inflammation was bad enough they couldn't do the surgery laporoscopically so they pushed it until (hopefully) late this afternoon to give them time to try and bring the inflammation down and avoid having to actually open her up.
Last night as I lay in bed, looking up at the stars, I thought, “Where the hell is my ceiling?"
I’m on a multi-day roadtrip from Istanbul and I’m getting seriously annoyed with my ability to lose stuff. It started with me leaving the pet passports for Bella and Leona on the desk of the receptionist at the vet clinic, then I managed to not put my driver’s license back where I always put it and sure enough I stuck it in a pocket from where it could fall out in a bathroom (likely). Then at the Croatian border I get picked out for a luggage check resulting in my overnight bag not making its way back in the car. Nothing very special lost, but a serious nuisance causing a need to replace a lot of stuff.
Congratulations America
She was in the hospital a total of six days but they got the sepsis under control and the surgery was a success and they even managed to get it all done without having to fully open her up though that was apparently still a very near thing. She's back home and largely recovered now.
Last night as I lay in bed, looking up at the stars, I thought, “Where the hell is my ceiling?"