It's frustrating to have kids as a divorced parent.

This was "dad's weekend", but I drove my son and his friends to the movie theater Friday night, and gave him the money for movie and pizza. Dad was "busy".

They all spent the night at a friend's house, within walking distance (two blocks) from his dad's house. I got a call just now, asking to be picked up and brought home so he can get clean clothes and "stuff". He hasn't seen his dad all weekend, and hasn't told him where he is or what he's doing. No texts, no phone calls, nothing.

Apparently, his dad doesn't keep any of his son's clothes (or toiletries) at that house, or even wonder where the boy is on "dad's weekend". I also didn't get a call from the ex wondering where our son was, or what he was doing. They're two blocks away from each other, and he doesn't even know. Or care.

So yeah, hey Loki! Maybe this post will help you hate me even more, for being such a judgmental bitch.