Enough cooks in the house for a thread of this sort?



Tonight, I are mostly be eating ...

Easy Chicken sort of paella hot-pot thingy
Serves 2.

1 onion
2 cloves garlic (excessive but I heart garlic)
1 red bell pepper
1 tomato
150g bomba paella rice
400g chicken breast (or thighs if you don't mind picking at bones)
50ml white wine
300ml chicken stock
2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp paprika


- preheat oven to 180C (dunno what that is in F)
- Put oil in pan and cook chicken for 10 mins till brown
- Move chicken to warm plate
- Stick onion, pepper and garlic in pan and cook for 5 mins till soft
- add paprika, rice and tomato and stir around till coated in oil
- add wine and stock, season, then bring to boil
- simmer till rice is not soupy but not dry
- empty pan into oven-proof dish and place chicken on top
- stick in oven and cook for 20-25 mins
- serve, and garnish with fresh chopped parsley if desired



Cheap, easy, healthy and yumptious.

And involves opening a bottle of wine.