Quote Originally Posted by Steely Glint View Post
Motherfuckers could at least have tried for the moon.
The only thing the moon has going for it is proximity. There's no carbon, the gravity is way too light, the nights last for 14 days, there's no water (unless that deep crater at the pole really does have ice), there's no hope of ever terraforming it.... Mars is a colony candidate because there's at least minimal potential.

Really, the best thing we could do with Mars is hit it with Ganymede. After a million years or so of cooling there would be a warmer, heavier world with a big ass ocean and an atmosphere (albeit unbreathable...). Seed it with some choice organisms and biosphere here we come. Just have to figure a way to compensate for the lack of a global magnetic field is all. And hell, if you can move Ganymede, you can figure that out. But on the other hand, if you can move Ganymede, you probably don't need to use it for terraforming Mars, except on a whim or something.