Blocking the work of the senate/congress that repeatedly votes to fund Obamacare, planned parenthood, deficits etc is one of the platforms Republicans ran on. So far they have refused to stop funding the things they promised to so I don't see this as a bad thing. Taking 'extreme' positions on immigration is troublesome however Republicans have been burned over and over by this all the way back to the 80s so it is understandable. Carpet bombing cities? Carpet bombing the enemy positions sure but I don't think he's pushing for a coherent plan to carpet bomb specific cities.

As far as Carson - again political novice setting up his first campaign. You're going to get some folks wrong, it happens. I care more about the character of the man and the positions he actually does support.

Rubio's path of victory comes in some individuals dropping out and endorsing him. Jeb Bush for example who doesn't have a lot of love in the polls still has backers and influence in terms of providing $$ and ground game. Frankly I think Cruz and Trump are BOTH anti-establishment candidates who will likely split the vote in NH giving Rubio his first victory there. Then the avalanche of Republicans will come out in support of Rubio over Cruz and Trump. Trump being the egotistical asshole he is won't actually drop even when it becomes clear he won't win, pulling support from Cruz. I'm not at all certain of my analysis and it is optimistic thinking on my part but that's the path of victory I see for Rubio. Once it gets to the wider states a more serious look can be made and folks will realize he has the best shot of beating Clinton.