Talking about Hollywood studios stealing money from authors after copyright claims.
Hollywood studios or their outsurcing thieves, create an account, make a false copyright infringement claim. Money from views is given to the claimer, and Youtube author who makes a living on Youtube could have his channel or videos deleted and his money and source of income stolen. Youtube process is automated and there is no way to defend against a flood of claims, and there is no punishment for false claims.

Where's The Fair Use? - Doug Walker

On Fair Use #WTFU - Chris Stuckman

YouTube Responds to #WTFU, Claims it Will “Strengthen Communication with Creators”
YouTube has responded to the criticisms of its copyright policies, with the video sharing site insisting that it will improve its communication with creators following many high-profile false copyright claims. #WTFU, an online campaign set up by Channel Awesome founder Doug Walker, asked "Where's The Fair Use?" amid a wave of controversy regarding copyright takedowns of videos and channels that were legally covered by the Fair Use Act. YouTube's pandering to corporations dealing out these copyright claims and complete disregard for the rights of their creators saw them being faced with a massive negative backlash, with Walker's campaign quickly generating momentum as other well-established YouTubers jumped on board.
Do you think we will witness the end of fair use?