Some thoughts:

* Has May done Labour a favour? If Corbyn does as badly as everyone assumes he will, he'll probably resign - she could potentially have gotten rid of a very weak Labour leader 3 years earlier than otherwise. Danger for Labour is if he performs badly, but out performs low expectations, he might decide to stay on then. They should really big up his chances so they can shit all over him when he loses.
* Lib Dems are likely to see gains, but only back to pre-coalition levels.
* I don't usually support Randblade's optimism about the demise of UKIP, but the timing of this election is awful for them. They're screwed.
* Not keen on the Tories having a larger majority to be bellends with (the likely outcome), but I've always said May, like all unelected prime ministers (such as Brown), should have called an election after she became leader of the Tory party so I can hardly begrudge her for doing exactly that, even if it is for cynical reasons. It's a smart and correct move on her part, in any case.
* The Fixed Term Parliament Act is a dead letter. The Prime Minister can just call an election whenever they feel like it, and the opposition parties basically have to go along with it our else risk having the government benches making chicken noises every time the leader of the opposition rises to speak (this would actually happen). It should just be got rid of as an artifact of the coalition era.
* It is genuinely a good thing that the prime minster has a democratic mandate for her approach to brexit, even if it's likely to be a fucking stupid mandate.