Quote Originally Posted by Steely Glint View Post
Except... not. It really just highlights what a fantasy it is. Even in an example where there did happen to be someone else with a firearm at the right place and time (which almost never happens), the shooter was still able to shoot 27 people before the other guy was able to intervene.

I am not aware of a single example of one of these mass shootings being stopped before they got going by a civilian with a gun, and if there were such an example (lets face it, the data set is pretty large so there might have been), that would still be just one success against dozens of failures.
Again, many, (most?) of these shootings occur in places where law abiding citizens can not legally carry a gun, or are otherwise prevented from carrying a gun by the property owner, including schools, workplaces, casinos, and depending on the state, places of worship. The monsters who plan these shootings are looking to give themselves every possible advantage, including picking soft targets and areas where they likely would not be confronted with force.