Heck, I figure it's pointless to go out quietly. Might as well send the loudest possible message, eh?

Reconciliation FAIL. Buh-bye Phoxe, Atari stooge

Re: reconciliation thread, wherein you bend about 3 cm.

Horse ****.

First, it would have been easy to consult RandBlade and Dreadnought, and then take some concrete measures to take the edge off of the forum. Sure, people will go up to the line. There are pictures in the pictures thread that go too close to the edge. Some insults go a little too far. So, forewarn members, hand out a couple of minor warning and make it clear that you are moving the placement of the "line." QED, minimal ruffled feathers.

Second, you're drawing your line at an elementary school level of maturity required. This is hypocritical because a) the forum requires age 13 merely to be here, and b) many of your games require maturity levels far above 13. That's hypocrisy. It stinks.

Third, none of this excuses your de-modding of Rand in that way, or your heavy-handed bans. You came in here like a fascist, and then follow it up with some classic fascist mealy-mouthed propaganda. It's lip service, window dressing. We all see through it.

So save your sententious little posts for the young and the dumb who actually believe them. Your "make up" post was almost as offensive as your original actions. It's condescending. It treats us like we're morons and can't figure out your double standards and hypocrisy. Save it for the remaining yes men, like Timmy.

**** you. I want nothing to do with the Brave New Kindergarten you're fashioning here.