Quote Originally Posted by RandBlade View Post
Except the decision doesn't have a one in two chance of being overturned. Nor is the reversal rate double-digits even unless over 20% of decisions are getting appealed in the first place.

I've made hundreds of decisions in my role as an employer for the last 13 years. For many of that period I was responsible for over 300 people. The appeal to my decisions is to take them to an employment tribunal and I've made hundreds of decisions over the years and sacked dozens of people but only twice has the decision ever been taken to an employment tribunal (once for sacking someone, once for denying someone a pay rise). I won both cases at tribunal. Had I lost either I wouldn't view it as a resigning matter and I wouldn't think one decision being overturned at tribunal meant I was terrible at my job or reflected the hundreds of other decisions that never got that far.
God, it's really not worth talking to you. Your real life experience as a layman in staffing says exactly nothing about the process revision of administrative decisions in court.