This storm is huge! The satellite images are amazing! Over 1 million people have already evacuated inland. But plenty decided to stay and "ride it out" in their homes, claiming they're thoroughly prepared, with food/water, and generators...but it sounds like they think it's just another hurricane, ho hum, and don't believe the forecasts for massive, historic flooding.

It doesn't help when Rush Limbaugh (reportedly) said all the reports are purposely over-exaggerated by the left/liberal media to push a climate change political agenda. Or that Trump is tweeting that his administration's response to Hurricane Maria was an "unsung success", and it didn't really kill almost 3,000 Americans in Puerto Rico, that's just fake news from the Democrats.

Anyway, this is going to be another American exercise in Disaster Preparedness, and local/state coordination with federal agencies like FEMA. It's got hot political waves before the storm even hit land.