Quote Originally Posted by Enoch the Red View Post
Screaming, "White Power," before shooting a white man doesn't strike me as entirely sensible, if the motive was strictly race based.
Most terrorism isn't strictly sensible from a number of perspectives. You know the primary victims of the Algerian insurgency during their war to get rid of the French? It was neither Frenchmen nor French sympathizers. It was locals who were neutral or even emotionally on their side but relatively uninvolved. It's about polarizing societies. A white supremacist killing another white person who isn't right there with him trying to cow the rest is a perfectly normal tactic. Terrorism, creating a climate of fear, isn't just for your opponents it's for extorting more from your own "side". And that's completely ignoring the common aphorism "if you're not with us, you're against us" which is common to the fringe everywhere.