To be absolutely crystal clear I think both are clearly evil but let's examine the issue and what I say to be a massive form of hypocrisy in modern society.

Should renters be allowed to discriminate on the basis of race? For example a listing, "Looking for roommates, must be Asian." If that isn't allowed then should a similar listing "Looking for roommates, must be female" also be banned?

Why should certain institutions such as prison be segregated by gender? I believe the argument goes something along the lines of inmate safety but under that notion would it then be acceptable to segregate prisoners by race if a study could prove it decreased prisoner on prisoner assaults?

Insurance wise (any sort, dwelling, auto, health) - should people be charged differently based on their gender profile? Racial profile? Should this entirely be banned? And if not what is the logically consistent argument to do it in some cases but not others?

Recently on social media someone suggested that men at conventions should not enter elevators if there is a lone woman inside. Seems blatantly sexist but very few people had an issue with it. Could you imagine if they had replaced men with a racial group?

Up for discussion - should society view sexism and racism as the same sort of evil or do you think they are different and if so why?