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  1. #1

    Default The Clown Circus

    The antics of Boris the Clown and his Cronies is creeping into many threads, so starting a thread to keep all UK gov't discussions in one place.

    Cummings the Chief Clown Advisor is a good place to start.

    Quote Originally Posted by the guardian
    Devastating new claims have emerged that Dominic Cummings further breached the lockdown rules, as Downing Street came under sustained pressure to fire the prime minister’s most senior adviser.

    The new testimony suggests Cummings left the home where he was staying in Durham to visit a town 30 miles away on 12 April.

    He was allegedly spotted back in Durham on 19 April, days after he was photographed in London having recovered from the virus, suggesting that following his first trip across the country at the end of March he had made a second journey from the capital to north-east England. At the time, with the UK at the peak of the pandemic, the government was insisting that people should be staying at home.

    As Cummings faced calls to resign from across the political spectrum, the government was forced to defend his actions.

    Ministers insisted he had stayed put once arriving at a property in Durham, where he had travelled after contracting the symptoms of coronavirus to seek the support from his extended family.

    But the new claims would appear to demolish this defence and intensify questions over his claim that going there was permitted because he needed childcare while he was sick.

    The new accounts raise fresh questions about his insistence that the initial 264-mile trip to Durham was justified, and led to a new round of calls for the spin doctor to quit.

    One rule for Chief Crony, another rule for everybody else?
    Quote Originally Posted by Steely Glint View Post
    It's actually the original French billion, which is bi-million, which is a million to the power of 2. We adopted the word, and then they changed it, presumably as revenge for Crecy and Agincourt, and then the treasonous Americans adopted the new French usage and spread it all over the world. And now we have to use it.

    And that's Why I'm Voting Leave.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    What confuses me is that few weeks ago Johnson said schools would reopen on 1st providing certain conditions have been met.

    Therefore I'm expecting another address to confirm whether those conditions have been met or not. Ideally giving schools enough time to know what's going to happen.

    I've yet to hear anything about a further address.

    Have I missed something?

  4. #4
    Cummings arrives at No.10...

    The big shock here is that it implies BJ is doing some work.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by gogobongopop View Post
    Cummings arrives at No.10...

    The big shock here is that it implies BJ is doing some work.
    Boris to Cummings:

    New dreams of gold mixed with chaos of old
    Should at last be as one in my hands
    Alliance abounds but how heavy the crown
    That unites the devote of these lands

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by gogobongopop View Post
    Cummings arrives at No.10...

    The big shock here is that it implies BJ is doing some work.
    Sources confirm Cummings has gone to No. 10 to care for his other child.
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  7. #7
    My bet is that he won't be fired or resign.

    The press briefing has been pushed back to 5pm today.

    They will be preparing the mothership of all excuses, lies and deceptions. They will do a "good" job because it's what they do best. There's very few better. They'll hit back hard; just enough to weather the storm of today and/or tomorrow. Then, come Tuesday/Wednesday, some major story will break. A big one. Big enough to distract and forget. They've been fooled before by this story and they won't again. They will now control it; masterfully.

  8. #8
    The UK government allowing these rapes to go on for so long is true clown circus.

    "The 35th member of a notorious Huddersfield grooming gang has been jailed for repeatedly raping an underage girl. Manzoor Akhtar, 31, has been sentenced to more than four years in jail for raping a young girl when she was just 13. The assaults took place during 2005 and 2006 in the West Yorkshire town, Leeds Crown Court heard."

    Btw why does the UK media like to call Middle Eastern folk "Asian." Is this a term that has *always* been used in the UK that way to describe folks from Israel, Pakistan, India, UAE, etc or is this PC nonsense?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Lewkowski View Post
    The UK government allowing these rapes to go on for so long is true clown circus.

    "The 35th member of a notorious Huddersfield grooming gang has been jailed for repeatedly raping an underage girl. Manzoor Akhtar, 31, has been sentenced to more than four years in jail for raping a young girl when she was just 13. The assaults took place during 2005 and 2006 in the West Yorkshire town, Leeds Crown Court heard."

    Btw why does the UK media like to call Middle Eastern folk "Asian." Is this a term that has *always* been used in the UK that way to describe folks from Israel, Pakistan, India, UAE, etc or is this PC nonsense?

    You realize those people are from Pakistan and/or Bangladesh, right? South Asia != Middle East. But it's definitely Asia. While we're at it, would you like a thread on Muslim crimes in addition to one on black crimes?
    Hope is the denial of reality

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Loki View Post

    You realize those people are from Pakistan and/or Bangladesh, right? South Asia != Middle East. But it's definitely Asia. While we're at it, would you like a thread on Muslim crimes in addition to one on black crimes?
    I'm beginning to understand why these morons wanted to bomb Agrabah.
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Loki View Post

    You realize those people are from Pakistan and/or Bangladesh, right? South Asia != Middle East. But it's definitely Asia. While we're at it, would you like a thread on Muslim crimes in addition to one on black crimes?
    Pakistan is part of the "Greater Middle East" and is culturally far more similar to places like Afghanistan than say... Japan or China. And ultimately if that's how the UK has for decades called people from Pakistan - fair enough different countries have different naming conventions. My question was in regards to if it was a modern invention for political correctness purposes.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Lewkowski View Post
    Pakistan is part of the "Greater Middle East" and is culturally far more similar to places like Afghanistan than say... Japan or China. And ultimately if that's how the UK has for decades called people from Pakistan - fair enough different countries have different naming conventions. My question was in regards to if it was a modern invention for political correctness purposes.
    It's a stupid question that would only be asked by an absolute idiot. It's stupid in several different ways:

    1. Pakistan is not in the Middle East—it's in South Asia.

    2. India is not in the Middle East—it's in South Asia.

    3. Bangladesh is not in the Middle East—it's in South Asia.

    4. People from Israel and UAE aren't described as being "Asian", they are referred to by their nationality or ethnicity, or as "Middle Eastern".

    5. Afghanistan is in Central Asia.

    6. The asinine term "Greater Middle East" is a political term coined when we were teenagers—it is a modern political invention created for the benefit of butthurt morons who want to bomb Agrabah.

    7. Even if you consider the term "Greater Middle East" to be a useful construct, neither Bangladesh nor India are a part of it, except possibly when someone has been huffing too much glue.

    Stop being so fucking stupid, it's embarrassing.
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  13. #13
    Are you some sort of moron, Lewkowski? Serious question.
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  14. #14
    Wow. The Prime Minister is going to host a press briefing.


  15. #15
    What a complete train wreck of a press conference. Wow.

  16. #16

    Absolutely spot on
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  17. #17
    Dear holy shit, what does this guy have on them
    New dreams of gold mixed with chaos of old
    Should at last be as one in my hands
    Alliance abounds but how heavy the crown
    That unites the devote of these lands

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Steely Glint View Post
    Dear holy shit, what does this guy have on them
    ha ha
    New dreams of gold mixed with chaos of old
    Should at last be as one in my hands
    Alliance abounds but how heavy the crown
    That unites the devote of these lands

  19. #19
    You keep going on about India, not sure why as I've never mentioned them. Ultimately the purpose of words and communication are to express ideas. When countries around the "core" of the Middle East are culturally very similar that makes sense to broaden the term. The purpose of news organizations is to provide facts and transparency as much as possible. Do you think "Middle Eastern" or "Asian" gives a better description of a Muslim immigrant from Pakistan? Be honest.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Lewkowski View Post
    You keep going on about India, not sure why as I've never mentioned them.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lewkowski View Post
    Btw why does the UK media like to call Middle Eastern folk "Asian." Is this a term that has *always* been used in the UK that way to describe folks from Israel, Pakistan, India, UAE, etc or is this PC nonsense?
    So I ask you again—are you some kind of moron?

    Ultimately the purpose of words and communication are to express ideas. When countries around the "core" of the Middle East are culturally very similar that makes sense to broaden the term.
    Pakistan and India—and, indeed, Afghanistan—are not culturally very similar to countries in the Middle East—except from the perspective of racist morons of the kind that wanted to bomb Agrabah.

    The purpose of news organizations is to provide facts and transparency as much as possible. Do you think "Middle Eastern" or "Asian" gives a better description of a Muslim immigrant from Pakistan? Be honest.
    Jfc you ignorant jackass, the most transparent, factually accurate, informative and useful descriptor for a man from Pakistan is "a man from Pakistan". Calling a Pakistani man "middle eastern" is factually wrong and objectively misleading. It doesn't add information—it obscures information. Why are you this stupid? If you must be pompous then at least try to say something that sounds smart instead of saying things that make you sound like a moron.
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  21. #21
    Lewk, the reason we call East Asians "Asians" is because they're the main group of Asians in this country. The main group of Asians in the UK are from South Asia. Which means the term "Asian" is used to refer to them. See, no conspiracy.
    Hope is the denial of reality

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Loki View Post
    Lewk, the reason we call East Asians "Asians" is because they're the main group of Asians in this country. The main group of Asians in the UK are from South Asia. Which means the term "Asian" is used to refer to them. See, no conspiracy.
    Its a question but last I checked you were a NYer, we have UK and Euro peeps here.

    Though I am curious if someone shot up a bunch of folks at a Mosque that were from Pakistan would the media in the UK refer to it as violence against Asians?

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Lewkowski View Post
    Its a question but last I checked you were a NYer, we have UK and Euro peeps here.

    Though I am curious if someone shot up a bunch of folks at a Mosque that were from Pakistan would the media in the UK refer to it as violence against Asians?
    They'd probably just refer to it as terrorism.

    No one but idiots like you think of Pakistan (or Afghanisan or any other 'stan) as "Middle East". Because they're not. The 'stans are Central Asia (with Pakistan, the southernmost, arguably being South Asia instead). The farthest extent of the Middle East is Iran and even that's pushing the region farther than it should probably go. Iran itself is probably more properly part of Central or South Asia and not the Middle East at all, by every categorizing metric one might care to bring up.
    Last night as I lay in bed, looking up at the stars, I thought, “Where the hell is my ceiling?"

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Lewkowski View Post
    Its a question but last I checked you were a NYer, we have UK and Euro peeps here.

    Though I am curious if someone shot up a bunch of folks at a Mosque that were from Pakistan would the media in the UK refer to it as violence against Asians?
    Some of us have spent time outside of our village. Even more read stuff that doesn't come from hyper-partisan websites.
    Hope is the denial of reality

  25. #25
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2010
    Tbh, I think the term Middle East is so imprecise that it should not be used at all. No matter how you try to define it, you're going have to end up with a definition that either exclude countries dead smack in the middle or excluded for arbitrary reasons.

    I do indeed think that in Europe even though east Asians are the first thing people think of when they hear Asian, but that the vast majority will include south Asians as well.
    Congratulations America

  26. #26
    Meanwhile, the circus continues. Calls for Cummings to quit have intensified, with some Tory backbenches joining those calls.

    The government plasters messages like the below all over both general and social media over this long weekend, and it has become a joke, ripe with hypocrisy. The message is clear: you are instructed to do the below, unless you are a Tory minister.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steely Glint View Post
    It's actually the original French billion, which is bi-million, which is a million to the power of 2. We adopted the word, and then they changed it, presumably as revenge for Crecy and Agincourt, and then the treasonous Americans adopted the new French usage and spread it all over the world. And now we have to use it.

    And that's Why I'm Voting Leave.

  27. #27
    In the UK, Asian tends to be an umbrella term for folk from the Indian subcontinent.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steely Glint View Post
    It's actually the original French billion, which is bi-million, which is a million to the power of 2. We adopted the word, and then they changed it, presumably as revenge for Crecy and Agincourt, and then the treasonous Americans adopted the new French usage and spread it all over the world. And now we have to use it.

    And that's Why I'm Voting Leave.

  28. #28
    It's a complete shit show. I think BJ and the cabinet could be in real trouble here. Not just about DC, but about, well, everything.

  29. #29
    I will say that Britain is always on the verge of becoming a police state. I realize these restrictions are necessary, but I don't think any other country is getting quite this outraged over minor violations. Especially since this outrage doesn't seem to be producing any better an outcome than in the rest of Western Europe.

    The severity of the lockdown measures (exercising x times a day y miles from one's house) and calls for neighbors to snitch on neighbors jumps out, too.
    Hope is the denial of reality

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Loki View Post
    I will say that Britain is always on the verge of becoming a police state. I realize these restrictions are necessary, but I don't think any other country is getting quite this outraged over minor violations. Especially since this outrage doesn't seem to be producing any better an outcome than in the rest of Western Europe.

    The severity of the lockdown measures (exercising x times a day y miles from one's house) and calls for neighbors to snitch on neighbors jumps out, too.
    I think far too many people here love curtain twitching. An SS style inform on your neighbours campaign here would take off. I find it reprehensible.

    Our restrictions are a lot less severe than what most other nations in western Europe had. Eg in France you had to file paperwork in advance before you left your home saying when, where and why you were doing so. Plus you had to have that paperwork on you too and produce it on demand. In the UK you just had to state a reason if asked.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ominous Gamer View Post
    ℬeing upset is understandable, but be upset at yourself for poor planning, not at the world by acting like a spoiled bitch during an interview.

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