... or actually we don't. She's already done her own talking and this Sunday we can hear what she has to say.

But, what merits a bit more of a conversation is how Buckingham Palace decides to open an investigation in the behavior of Meghan (for what seems to amount to little more than sending e-mails at an ungodly hour and being American, if not Black) a full year after she has left the royal Household and about three years after which the alleged infractions took place. Yet, this same High and Mighty Court, sees nothing wrong with protecting the Duke of York, who has been accused of the actual crimes of sexually abusing and/or raping minor girls and who appearantly couldn't think of cutting his ties with a convicted child abuser in any other way than flying to New York City and stay at said child abuser's mansion.

Am I the only one who thinks that Buckingham Palace has got its priorities mixed up more than just a little?