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"One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."
Recall elections are unconstitutional and the courts need to step in and stop them. Constitutional terms aren't supposed to be ended by voters, that is equivalent to lynching. Removal from office is a legal matter handled by Congress and it has a name, impeachment. There are reasons for not having gubernatorial elections every year. For one thing, it costs taxpayers a bunch of money. But I guess republicans don't care about wasting tax money,
P.S. How about we start a recall of Elder as soon as he takes office, and then start a recall of his replacement and on and on. Hell we won't even need a scheduled guber election any more we'll just start the next election each time a new guber takes office.
Faith is Hope (see Loki's sig for details)
If hindsight is 20-20, why is it so often ignored?
Novel way of statistical forecasting I guess
For extra statistical fun, the 'law' mentioned:
So this analysis, performed on data from an election which is yet to happen, is bullshit anyway.It should be noted, however, that Benford's Law cannot be used to critique a single data set (for example, if the results of a single opinion poll or election shows a larger difference, that in no way indicates a problem with that result).
Keep on keepin' the beat alive!
The recall process laid out in the California State Constitution is unconstitutonal? Oh, do tell. I'd love to hear your analysis.
How, exactly, is Congress supposed to impeach a state governor? And you were complaining about the CA recall being unconstitutional, JESUS CHRIST.Removal from office is a legal matter handled by Congress and it has a name, impeachment.
It's ironic. I loved Davis. But he screwed up massively, in a way that cost the state heavily for over a decade. He deserved the recall and I voted to replace him (granted, I voted for the Dem candidate, who lost to Scharzenegger). Meanwhile I loathe Newsom. But he did his job fairly well, I think he handled the pandemic better than most governors, and I am not supporting the effort to remove him from office.
Last night as I lay in bed, looking up at the stars, I thought, “Where the hell is my ceiling?"
Yeah, I guess we should just initiate a recall every time a guber is sworn in. Why have scheduled elections at all?
P.S. Please forgive my ignorance concerning my state's government.
Last edited by Being; 09-14-2021 at 11:49 PM.
Faith is Hope (see Loki's sig for details)
If hindsight is 20-20, why is it so often ignored?
Never said I liked it. You may recall years ago you were quite in favor of our public democracy system in this state (of which the recall process is one part) whereas I think it's sensationalist crap. Like it is with this recall. But you claimed something else, that it was unconstitutional. Because you're a moron. And then went on to claim that the more legitimate process is that Congress impeach a governor. Because you're an even bigger moron than I believed. Even Lewk & GGT know better.
Last night as I lay in bed, looking up at the stars, I thought, “Where the hell is my ceiling?"
Failure implies someone made an effort in the first place. If you're claiming I'm gloating over your "failure" that would mean that you had at least cursorily glanced at the relevant material, maybe so much as bothered to type a question into a search bar, before spouting off ignorant nonsense. And that doesn't seem to have been the case.
Last night as I lay in bed, looking up at the stars, I thought, “Where the hell is my ceiling?"
I am a bit embarrassed but mostly I'm happy to have made your day.
Faith is Hope (see Loki's sig for details)
If hindsight is 20-20, why is it so often ignored?
Proof! Fraud. Newsom won. And by even more than polling suggested!
Last night as I lay in bed, looking up at the stars, I thought, “Where the hell is my ceiling?"
There is still time to try again. Let's drain another $400 million out of the state coffers.
Faith is Hope (see Loki's sig for details)
If hindsight is 20-20, why is it so often ignored?
Keep on keepin' the beat alive!