Quote Originally Posted by Hazir View Post
Thanks for writing this. I didn't have the energy. Also what these so-called book fans seem to forget is that the battle at the Gap (for all its shortcomings cinematographicxally) fits better in the overall arc of the book story than the original end of the first book.

As for Perrin being useless; that's not different from in the books is it? His general uselessness though seems to have a purpose all of a sudden now.
What actually happened at the end of the first book:

"The forces of the Dark One filled the other end of the pass, bristling black pikes and spearpoints swelling up onto mountain slopes made blacker still by the great mass of Trollocs that dwarfed the army of Shienar. Fades in hundreds rode across the front of the horde, the fierce, muzzled faces of Trollocs turning away in fear as they passed, huge bodies pulling back to make way. Overhead, Draghkar wheeled on leathery pinions, shrieks challenging the wind. Halfmen saw him now, too, pointed, and Draghkar spun and dove. Two. Three. Six of them, crying shrilly as they plummeted toward him.

He stared at them. Heat filled him, the burning heat of the touched sun. He could see the Draghkar clearly, soulless eyes in pale men's faces on winged bodies that had nothing of humanity about them. Terrible heat. Crackling heat.

From the clear sky lightning came, each bolt crisp and sharp, searing his eyes, each bolt striking a winged black shape. Hunting cries became shrieks of death, and charred forms fell to leave the sky clean again.

The heat. The terrible heat of the Light.

He fell to his knees; he thought he could hear his tears sizzling on his cheeks. "No!" He clutched at tufts of wiry grass for some hold on reality; the grass burst in flame. "Please, nooooooo!"

The wind rose with his voice, howled with his voice, roared with his voice down the pass, whipping the flames to a wall of fire that sped away from him and toward the Trolloc host faster than a horse could run. Fire burned into the Trollocs, and the mountains trembled with their screams, screams almost as loud as the wind and his voice.

"It has to end!"

He beat at the ground with his fist, and the earth tolled like a gong. He bruised his hands on stony soil, and the earth trembled. Ripples ran through the ground ahead of him in ever rising waves, waves of dirt and rock towering over Trollocs and Fades, breaking over them as the mountains shattered under their hooved feet. A boiling mass of flesh and rubble churned across the Trolloc army.

The screams died. The earth was still. Dust and smoke swirled back down the pass to surround him.

So in the show clearly they took a different route. It was only 50 fades. And apparently it only takes a few wilders in a circle of five to stop a Trolloc army sized so large the defenders of Fal Dara believe the Last Battle was starting... I mean wut? And the cinematography was so amateurishly put together. Not even sure I'll bother giving season 2 a try unless we hear some really good things.