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Thread: 2024 Republican Primaries

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazir View Post
    Between you and me it's you who thinks that the disenfranchised are so stupid as to not understand that they are putting their lot in with snake oil salesmen. I think they very well understand what their interests are and that your alternatives aren't delivering. What is stupid though is smart people who keep losing but never wonder if what they are doing is really all that smart at all.
    Can't believe I've let so much of my time be wasted by a grown man's inability to understand the difference between irrationality and stupidity. Mate, you need to get a handle on this hammer-nail issue.
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Loki View Post
    It's pretty clear that making libs cry has been the main criterion for Republican voters since at least 2016.
    It's like Uno—some people wanna win, while others just wanna make their enemy draw two cards.
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  3. #33
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aimless View Post
    Can't believe I've let so much of my time be wasted by a grown man's inability to understand the difference between irrationality and stupidity. Mate, you need to get a handle on this hammer-nail issue.
    There is very little irrational about wanting to break a system that doesn't deliver for you at all, and hasn't for generations. That's the thing you don't want to understand.

    You keep harping on about how these people need to be smarter and stop following pied pipers. To most of them that just sounds as being served a fresh portion of shit. And they rather see other people's lives go to dust now than wait for another generation or two of a possible fair deal. If you don't have anything, burning the place down isn't gonna hurt all that much.
    Congratulations America

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazir View Post
    There is very little irrational about wanting to break a system that doesn't deliver for you at all, and hasn't for generations. That's the thing you don't want to understand.

    You keep harping on about how these people need to be smarter and stop following pied pipers. To most of them that just sounds as being served a fresh portion of shit. And they rather see other people's lives go to dust now than wait for another generation or two of a possible fair deal. If you don't have anything, burning the place down isn't gonna hurt all that much.
    I don't know how many more rounds of you shadowboxing against yourself it'll take before you understand that you're talking about a contingent of voters that I'm not addressing at all. You're quite literally arguing against a figment of your imagination.

    And—I might add—you've also misunderstood the point I just made about you confusing irrationality with stupidity. I don't disagree that it may be rational for a person to believe that the system hasn't delivered what they wanted/expected/deserved/needed/whatever, and that the system should (or may as well) be torn down. Rational though that may be, it may also be extremely stupid—and their support for the persecution and abuse of other vulnerable groups may, nevertheless, be both stupid and morally repugnant. The candidates—malevolent grifters the lot of them—may indeed be acting rationally given their (presumed) personal goals; they are nevertheless also being stupid—as are their financial backers—not to mention morally repugnant. Wanting to destroy the lives of innocent human beings is stupid and repugnant, Hazir, even when it can be rational from the perspective of eg. a repugnant idiot.

    That said, many of the electorally irrelevant fringe kooks you're harping on about are also irrational, to the point of being delusional—as we've seen in a number of QAnon-related incidents over the past few years. It's misguided to try to tackle cults and delusions as a matter of conventional politics. The mechanisms are different, they require different analytical tools/approaches and interventions.
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazir View Post
    There is very little irrational about wanting to break a system that doesn't deliver for you at all, and hasn't for generations. That's the thing you don't want to understand.

    You keep harping on about how these people need to be smarter and stop following pied pipers. To most of them that just sounds as being served a fresh portion of shit. And they rather see other people's lives go to dust now than wait for another generation or two of a possible fair deal. If you don't have anything, burning the place down isn't gonna hurt all that much.
    And that's why they love politicians who go after trans people and immigrants even as they try to privatize pensions and stop increases in wages.

    You're also ignoring the fact that a substantial portion of the GOP base have above average incomes. Many are local elites.
    Hope is the denial of reality

  6. #36
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    And you know that those above average earning Republicans are not enough to get people like Trump or Trump wannabes to get elected.

    Maybe Democrats should refuse to vote for candidates of the type of Biden. Just throw the whole thing at the Republicans until they get the message. What America needs is more than a choice between getting screwed by brazen frauds and getting screwed by sanctimonious liberals.
    Congratulations America

  7. #37
    It's telling that the only thing uniting GOP congressmen is an investigation of Hinter Biden:

    And you clearly have no understanding of how American politics works. Poor Republicans aren't Republicans because they hate capitalism; they're Republicans because they hate African Americans, immigrants, LGBT, city dwellers, etc. There's a reason Republican politicians aren't out there campaigning on higher wager and a stronger safety net.
    Hope is the denial of reality

  8. #38
    This is how Republicans are improving the lives of their voters:
    Hope is the denial of reality

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Loki View Post
    This is how Republicans are improving the lives of their voters:
    The rich liberal transgender elites brought it upon themselves.
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  10. #40
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  11. #41
    Vivek blaming the US for the Nord Stream bombing:

    He's basically the candidate for Americans who want to vote for Putin, but can't because he's not in the ballot.
    Hope is the denial of reality

  12. #42
    But I will require something even greater in return, Jesse. Russia has to exit its military alliance with China. Right now, we’re pushing Russia further into China’s hands.”
    Dumbest motherfuckers contest.
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  13. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Loki View Post
    Vivek blaming the US for the Nord Stream bombing:

    He's basically the candidate for Americans who want to vote for Putin, but can't because he's not in the ballot.
    Do you think it was Ukraine who bombed Nord Stream?

  14. #44
    Another Republican thought leader gladly fondling Nazi balls:

    In case you had any doubts, Nazis are very happy abt this.
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  15. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Lewkowski View Post
    Do you think it was Ukraine who bombed Nord Stream?
    I'd say 60% chance it was Ukraine, 40% it was Russia. Blaming the US, while running for US president, would get one disqualified in every election before 2016.
    Hope is the denial of reality

  16. #46
    The law and order party:

    At least two Republican presidential candidates are criticizing as excessive recent prison sentences for members of the far-right Proud Boys involved in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, casting the defendants as victims of an unfair justice system rather than leading participants in an effort to disrupt the peaceful transition of power.
    Hope is the denial of reality

  17. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Aimless View Post
    Another Republican thought leader gladly fondling Nazi balls:

    In case you had any doubts, Nazis are very happy abt this.

    Kinda horse-shoey?

  18. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Lewkowski View Post
    Mostly a load of crap. Distortions and outright falsehoods among some truths, all of which center around one thing: Palestine. It's a hit-piece because the ADL is (unsurprisingly) not anti-Israel and doesn't have that knee-jerk reflexive "free Palestine" attitude which is considered a requirement in a number of progressive circles.

    Lewk, everything political is ultimately horsee-shoey, it all depends on perspective and axis of approach.
    Last night as I lay in bed, looking up at the stars, I thought, “Where the hell is my ceiling?"

  19. #49
    The ADL tries too hard to be non-partisan, which means tolerating dog whistles on the right. It's pretty reflexively pro-Israel, though not as much as some of the other organizations out there.
    Hope is the denial of reality

  20. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Loki View Post
    The ADL tries too hard to be non-partisan, which means tolerating dog whistles on the right. It's pretty reflexively pro-Israel, though not as much as some of the other organizations out there.
    They are pretty partisan. I don't believe they ever called Al Sharpton to account for his actions for example.

  21. #51
    It's amazing how badly this is going, and how likely Trump-Biden 2024 is going to be our hellish reality.

  22. #52
    I don't think people appreciate how much governance is done (or advised by) appointed officials. And the ones appointed by Trump were disastrously incompetent and/or corrupt. His new ones are likely to be worse. So I really don't care about how well Biden will function because he'll be surrounded by competent people, and not a bunch of anti-vaxxers, white supremacists, wannabe autocrats, and certified nutjobs. That's not to mention Trump getting to appoint dozens of incompetent (ideology aside) judges. You really are equating murder with littering here. I expected better.
    Hope is the denial of reality

  23. #53
    It's fun to watch a Dutch and a Swede debate the state of American politics Two guys walk into a bar.....

    But you know it's bad when even Republicans hate their own party, yet think it can still be saved. See Romney. There's all sorts of commentary about what it means to be a Republican, but it's mostly noise -- meant to distract voters from seeing that the GOP has decided they'd rather Rule than Represent. And they're good at exploiting the constitution, with its flaws and loopholes, to hang onto power.

    They're also very good at marketing and propaganda, manipulating words like Freeedom and SSSocialism to "own the Libs". Gotta keep voters in their tribal, fearful silos, and Never Back Down (DeSantis's motto). This has been going on for decades, pre-dating Trump. Maybe it's not that the (R) base is ignorant or stupid, or that they're being hoodwinked by The Big Lie or the Great Grift, but that they truly *want* White Christian Nationalism and Tyranny of the minority?

  24. #54
    This is how Republicans appeal to the working class:
    Hope is the denial of reality

  25. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Loki View Post
    I don't think people appreciate how much governance is done (or advised by) appointed officials. And the ones appointed by Trump were disastrously incompetent and/or corrupt. His new ones are likely to be worse. So I really don't care about how well Biden will function because he'll be surrounded by competent people, and not a bunch of anti-vaxxers, white supremacists, wannabe autocrats, and certified nutjobs. That's not to mention Trump getting to appoint dozens of incompetent (ideology aside) judges. You really are equating murder with littering here. I expected better.
    This worked out swell with Reagan. Although I will concede that Biden isn't listening to known astrologers, so far as we know, on matters of global thermo-nuclear warfare.
    In the future, the Berlin wall will be a mile high, and made of steel. You too will be made to crawl, to lick children's blood from jackboots. There will be no creativity, only productivity. Instead of love there will be fear and distrust, instead of surrender there will be submission. Contact will be replaced with isolation, and joy with shame. Hope will cease to exist as a concept. The Earth will be covered with steel and concrete. There will be an electronic policeman in every head. Your children will be born in chains, live only to serve, and die in anguish and ignorance.
    The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference.

  26. #56
    Reagan delivered what he promised. Whether that's good or not depends on how much you hate taxes and gay people.
    Hope is the denial of reality

  27. #57
    Anyone watching the 2nd debate?

    Ron had a better night so far, Scott and Haley were entertaining with their spat, Vivek did ok, but he did better being fiery in the first debate and the "lets play nice, these are all good people' diminishes his ability to breakout. Pence was zzz and the ND guy seemed good, but I just don't see him having any shot.

    Edit: Also moderators really dropped the ball in enforcing the rules, that was a bit of a mess.

  28. #58
    Glad to see you show so much interest in their policy differences.
    Hope is the denial of reality

  29. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by Loki View Post
    Glad to see you show so much interest in their policy differences.
    Hah, do you think we were going to get some new policy info from watching the debates? These are about showmanship, poise and optics.

  30. #60
    Minutes away from one of the architects of the plot to cancel 2020 election results becoming Speaker.
    Hope is the denial of reality

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