It's fun to watch a Dutch and a Swede debate the state of American politics Two guys walk into a bar.....

But you know it's bad when even Republicans hate their own party, yet think it can still be saved. See Romney. There's all sorts of commentary about what it means to be a Republican, but it's mostly noise -- meant to distract voters from seeing that the GOP has decided they'd rather Rule than Represent. And they're good at exploiting the constitution, with its flaws and loopholes, to hang onto power.

They're also very good at marketing and propaganda, manipulating words like Freeedom and SSSocialism to "own the Libs". Gotta keep voters in their tribal, fearful silos, and Never Back Down (DeSantis's motto). This has been going on for decades, pre-dating Trump. Maybe it's not that the (R) base is ignorant or stupid, or that they're being hoodwinked by The Big Lie or the Great Grift, but that they truly *want* White Christian Nationalism and Tyranny of the minority?