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Thread: Will Biden bow out?

  1. #61
    I only gamble on stocks.

  2. #62

    Only now, at the end, do you understand
    The game is over
    No more rounds left play
    It's time to pay
    Who's got the joker?

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Steely Glint View Post

    Only now, at the end, do you understand
    He's still not serious about it. He didn't talk with a single person on either Judiciary committee beforehand. It's just electioneering
    Last night as I lay in bed, looking up at the stars, I thought, “Where the hell is my ceiling?"

  4. #64
    Looks like there will be a VP candidate within a week. My bet is on Shapiro (PA), but Kelly (AZ) would also work.

  5. #65
    Picking anyone but Walz would be a real vibes-killing fumble. Shapiro in particular has the face of a TV-show character that turns out to be a backstabbing villain in season 3. Walz would unite all factions at all levels, from grassroots on up, rather than alienating half of them. Given her campaign's apparent Fingerspitzengef?hl for vibes-based politics, I'd be surprised—and disappointed—if they went for Shapiro.
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  6. #66
    The only quantifiable effect of a VP is a tiny boost in their home state (assuming they're well-liked). Harris needs PA and AZ to have a shot at winning. MN is voting for Harris regardless.

    I also don't think Harris needs to unite any factions, but she probably needs a middle-aged white dude to avoid spooking certain voters. That does describe all the frontrunners.

  7. #67
    Trump is imploding so fast its funny. His tantrums at today's interview and outright racism against Kamala "is she black, is she Indian" bs is just bizarre even for him.

    He seems completely lost and bewildered and like he hasn't got the foggiest idea what to do now or how to lay a finger on Kamala. He hasn't even got a good nickname for her.

    78 year old Donald Trump spending months making the election a referendum on whether Joe Biden was too old to be in office has to be the biggest self-inflicted blunder since Operation Barbarossa.

    He's been completely outplayed now by Biden stepping down and is left just lost, bewildered, angry, old and sad with no idea what to do now.

    Obviously a narcissist like Trump never considered that his opponent might step down for the greater good of his party and country. Trump would never do something like that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ominous Gamer View Post
    ℬeing upset is understandable, but be upset at yourself for poor planning, not at the world by acting like a spoiled bitch during an interview.

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by Ominous Gamer View Post
    ℬeing upset is understandable, but be upset at yourself for poor planning, not at the world by acting like a spoiled bitch during an interview.

  9. #69
    Harris's running mate was genetically engineered to run as a Democrat:
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  10. #70
    His approval in MN is only slightly higher than Biden's share of the vote in 2020. Not that MN matters. Curious why people assume he could appeal to conservatives when he hasn't done so in his own state.

  11. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by Loki View Post
    His approval in MN is only slightly higher than Biden's share of the vote in 2020. Not that MN matters. Curious why people assume he could appeal to conservatives when he hasn't done so in his own state.
    He won decisively in a Republican leaning district six elections in a row. He'll do fine
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  12. #72
    He won by 1% in 2016 despite the benefit of incumbency (which is huge in the House). And once he acquired a statewide platform, he basically relied on a coalition of Democrats. He has 54% approval. That's not exactly great in a Democratic state. He's acceptable and won't rattle many feathers. But otherwise, I don't see the appeal.

  13. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by Loki View Post
    He won by 1% in 2016 despite the benefit of incumbency (which is huge in the House). And once he acquired a statewide platform, he basically relied on a coalition of Democrats. He has 54% approval. That's not exactly great in a Democratic state. He's acceptable and won't rattle many feathers. But otherwise, I don't see the appeal.
    He won—for the sixth election in a row—in an otherwise conservative district, in an otherwise insane year. He then went on to win their votes—with comfortable margins—in two gubernatorial elections. Relying on a coalition of Democrats in an era when the entire Republican party is fully committed to obstructionism and batshit insane authoritarianism isn't much of a commentary on him or his coalition.

    Anyway, looks like he's a GIS guy so I take back everything I said - mfer's cooked
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  14. #74
    Republicans held a 1% national advantage in 2016. They picked up 6 seats. Not exactly a red wave.

    Except that Shapiro has 61% approval in PA, including nearly 30% from Republicans.

    Gotta appeal to the large group of literate Republicans.
    Last edited by Loki; 08-06-2024 at 09:33 PM.

  15. #75
    Yeah but the dude has never f***ed a couch so he'll be fine.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ominous Gamer View Post
    ℬeing upset is understandable, but be upset at yourself for poor planning, not at the world by acting like a spoiled bitch during an interview.

  16. #76
    The amount of people that believe that story is astonishing. But leave it to the folks who believed Jussie was a victim of a hate crime to believe something even more ridiculous!

  17. #77
    Do you agree with Vance that childless women are worthless and shouldn't be allowed to become teachers?

  18. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by Loki View Post
    Do you agree with Vance that childless women are worthless and shouldn't be allowed to become teachers?
    Not sure if he said it, but either way the answer would be no, I don?t agree. It would be interesting to see if having kids has an impact on someone?s ability to educate other children. But even if there is a correlation, I?d expect it to be a mild one with a ton of other more impactful variables.

  19. #79
    And yet you believe it acceptable for someone with those beliefs to be VP?

  20. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by Loki View Post
    And yet you believe it acceptable for someone with those beliefs to be VP?
    I?m not voting for the guy, though I would prefer Trump over the Jussie believing Harris. I will say there were a ton of better options for VP than Vance but there were also worse ones, so rather meh on it overall.

  21. #81
    Under the new rules, Florida residents without children can object to only one book per month. Those with children will continue to have an unlimited number of challenges.

    What about DeSantis passing a law that treats people with and without kids differently from one another? Seems to be a new trend for the GOP.
    Hope is the denial of reality

  22. #82
    Seems like a more reasonable take would be parents *with children attending the school in question* should have more leeway than others in requesting age inappropriate content removed.

  23. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by Lewkowski View Post
    The amount of people that believe that story is astonishing. But leave it to the folks who believed Jussie was a victim of a hate crime to believe something even more ridiculous!

    He's mildly concerned that he's now viewed as peddling election misinformation, which, he said, was not his intent. He posted what he posted, he added, because he sees in Vance an ineffable quality he believes is best approximated with the moniker "couch-fucker."


    Perhaps, Rick said, whether Vance actually had carnal knowledge of one or more couches is immaterial. Rick suggested Vance making love to a couch may best be viewed as what Werner Herzog has described as the "ecstatic truth" ? in Herzog's words, "a kind of truth that is the enemy of the merely factual," encompassing falsehoods that "make some essence of the man visible."


    He said he was also inspired by an anecdote about former President Lyndon Johnson, who apocryphally asked a campaign manager to invent a rumor that one of Johnson's political opponents liked having sex with pigs.

    "Christ, we can't get away with calling him a pig-fucker," the campaign manager responded, the journalist Hunter S. Thompson recounted in "Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail '72." "Nobody's going to believe a thing like that."

    "I know," Johnson replied. "But let's make the sonofabitch deny it."
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  24. #84

  25. #85
    The Rules
    Copper- behave toward others to elicit treatment you would like (the manipulative rule)
    Gold- treat others how you would like them to treat you (the self regard rule)
    Platinum - treat others the way they would like to be treated (the PC rule)

  26. #86
    Wait, is... is Dread JD Vance??!
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  27. #87
    Honestly I thought JD Vance was a left wing guy until like three years ago. After 2016 all the left wingers were buying Hillbilly Elegy to understand Trump voters.

  28. #88
    That's because he WAS a left-wing guy (or at least a centrist) until about 6 years ago.

  29. #89
    Just your garden variety Yale-brained sociopathic grifter. Given his network and his activities—eg. his long and close relationship with Thiel—it's more likely he's neither left-wing nor centrist.
    "One day, we shall die. All the other days, we shall live."

  30. #90
    You think Thiel is a committed right-winger? He just wants to see the world burn (and not have the government come after him for the arson). Basically, Ayn Rand, only somehow more hateful.

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